Get Your Closing Ratio

TraxSales & The Edge have come together to offer jewelers a one-of-a-kind Customer Counting solution.

Only $995! No Contracts! 90-Day Guarantee!

How Much Money Is Your Jewelry Store Leaving on the Table?

Self-reporting Conversion Rate of Jewelry Store Associates



Actual Conversion Ratio of Jewelry Store Associates


Trusted by 400+ leading Jewelers

Leverage your business to new heights with comprehensive traffic analytics

Live Traffic Data

Real-time access to customer foot traffic reports

Fully Integrated

Integrated with the Edge & Edge Pulse for in-depth performance metrics

Staffing Management

Hourly staffing performance reports

Built for Growth

Data designed to drive an increase in performance

Easy Access to Your Store's & Even Industry Wide Analytics

Take a quick look at the Edge Pulse People Counter Integration

What else can TRAX
help with?

Trusted worldwide and used in over 1500 known leading retailers and businesses

If someone called you about Trax. What would you tell them?
I would simply ask them if they knew how many people were walking through their doors every day? Then I would ask them do they know their closing ratio? If they can’t answer either of these questions, I ask them do they know how much money they are losing by not know the answers to these 2 questions. It is really this simple. The only way to improve your bottom line is to track it, measure it and put strategies in place to improve it. The Trax system is the right tool to help you accomplish all 3 of these things. It is a no brainer. Just do it!

Stephen Barnes - Owner of Barnes jewelers

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