Dear Wireless Zone TraxSales Partner,
We have some very good news for you. Your current customer traffic counting system now has a cutting edge Hostess Q program that is guaranteed to create harmony on your sales floors and help you dramatically increase sales in 2 remarkable ways.
#1. When a customer comes into your store and you are in overflow they can get in line to be served next by taking 30 seconds and getting in the Q. Here are the steps.
- Go to the iPad or touch screen monitor and click their picture. We have created a single screen that customers can use to identify their picture and then answer a few quick questions.
- What are you interested in doing today. (this is customized for you) Bill Pay, Tech Support, Customer Service, New Phone, Need Accessories, Just Looking…Etc.…
- What is your name, cell phone # and zip code?
- What motivated you to come in today? Type of Advertising? Again this is customized.
- It asks the customer if they have a preference on who to speak with or the next available.

When they put their name into the system it places them in a Queue and when a salesperson is available they are automatically assigned to the next appropriate customer. The sales team has access to a password protected page that allows them to manage all activity and also log in and log out with ease.
The system now measures when you are in overflow and for how long and when compared to your Hot Zone Report it provides the analytics to intelligently schedule around true customer traffic patterns.
It will also tell you what advertising is working and whether or not you are wasting your money.
Your sales numbers by day are easily imported into eTraxSales a couple different ways and once the system is established we will work with IQ Metrix to get this fully automated.
After a customer leaves the store the salesperson is asked if a sale was made or not. Either way the customer receives a text from the sales associate through the Trax Program so you can keep track of all customer replies and surveys. The next step with a good reply is that we plan on automatically sending out a Podium request for a review. This is a money maker for you in several ways.
Here is a recap of the benefits your company will receive.
- Customers will be helped in the order they come in and this activity will be tracked allowing you to know the overall closing ratios for your company and for each sales associate with extreme accuracy.
- You will have a customer database of sold and unsold customers that will help you follow-up and develop long term relationships with all of your customers, even those you don’t sell the first time!
Here is how you set up the system…
You will need MASTER password access to then go to [Administration] then Select Security (about 1/3 of the way down the column) then select [Security] and select [Hostess Q] and enter a username (must be an email not being used already in eTrax). Set up a Password must be at least 6 characters.

Once you enter your user name and password into eTrax you will be located on the Customer Q page. From here your customers can easily sign into your Q so they are assisted properly. This can be done if you set up a couple I-Pads or Tablets that customers can access (possibly using security cables) or we can recommend a large touch screen that can be placed at the front area of the store so they can have easy access. Many dealers have great success with this if they also include a free drawing or wishing well to give your customers the incentive to want to participate.

Once the customer selects their photo they can answer the basic questions.

- What brought you in today? (this is customized for you) Bill Pay, Tech Support, Customer Service, New Phone, Need Accessories, Just Looking…Etc.…
- What is your name, cell phone # and zip code?
- What motivated you to come in today? Type of Advertising? Again this is customized.
- It asks the customer if they have a preference on who to speak with or the next available.
If the customer doesn’t see their picture they can select this button and still get in the Q. Let’s face it sometimes you open the door for someone when you are going into a building and when you walk in right after someone we might miss you. This is exactly why we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy and promise results much like a Gallop pole of plus or minus 3-5%. But with this new Don’t see yourself button you will have extreme accuracy.

So let’s assume a couple came in. Just select the best picture to describe yourself. Single female, single male, couple or a family.
This will put the new picture in the Q and then when you select that photo it allows you to answer all the appropriate questions and proceed.

Customizing your Hostess Q program in
You will need to set up your product categories, salespeople including their own personal cell phone number for auto texting with your sold and unsold clients and advertising in eTrax. All three of these are Under Administration and are self explanatory and will take just a couple minutes to set up. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to call tech support. We are standing by 7 days a week.
SalesPeople Access to Hostess Q

When you select this button it will ask for your password one time and then your sales team will have access to this all day long and can easily log in and log out as required. Your sales team can also have access to all the Hostess Q pictures from this page so that they can run the Q from an I-pad or tablet.
When a sale is completed it will ask the sales associate if a sale was made or not and then will send a customized text to your customer that says something like…
Thank you for visiting Wireless Zone. We really do appreciate your business and wanted to make sure that we satisfied all of your needs today. Please let me know if you are totally satisfied and if you could please give me some feedback I will greatly appreciate it.
Once they give you a positive response we will send them an automatic review request from Podium that will enhance your SEO and Customer experience and most importantly give your team some additional new tools to help them close more business faster.
Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions.