TraxSales Admin

What is the TraxSales Admin responsible for?

Making these 5 responsibilities part of your weekly standard operating procedures will make this one of the best investment’s your company has ever made!

#1. Reviewing the Hot Zone report: If the showroom has more than just a few red hours each week they need to talk with the people involved in scheduling to make sure that the store is staffed properly during those busier hours.

#2. Consolidate Traffic Counter & Upboard Data: They need to compare the RPG difference for the traffic counter to the up board and if there’s more than a 20% difference then there might also be a staffing problem (and or) they’re not talking with all of the customers that come into the store or they’re not entering some unsold customer information into the up board. The truth is it’s not in the salesperson’s best interest to account for every customer that did not buy and if there’s no accountability trust me they will never put that information into the system. But if they have TraxSales Administrator who forces them to do this for the first 3 weeks then it becomes a habit that will last forever.

#3. Analyze the Sales Comparison Reports: They need to be familiar with the BABPTA reporting for both the visual proof with multiple stores and the BABPTA for RPG by salesperson and identify the problem areas and discuss these with upper management. Are there any areas that are dramatically below the company average and what can we do too get this store or salesperson up to the company average.

#4. Gauge the Sales Team’s Ability to Capture Unsold Customer Information: They need to identify who is not hitting the minimums for the IGE report. The most important thing is are we capturing cell phone numbers and possibly emails for people that do not purchase

#5 Create Advertising and Sales Accountability: Monitor the advertising effectiveness each month and the closing ratios by product category.

#6 Security: Monthly security is very important. All of our dealers have turnover in this tracks administrator needs to make sure that A salesperson who is no longer working for your company is not accessing your information from down the street.

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