TRAX Updates

Data & Occupancy

People counting technology helps retailers analyze sales data and monitor  customer spending habits within their store.  People counting technology will help salespeople understand how to better themselves and their selling strategies. People counters gather the data into customizable reports that are meant to be easily understood by salespeople and staff alike.  This  data  can help …

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People Counts & Customer Habits

People counting technology helps retailers analyze sales data and monitor  customer spending habits within their store.  This  data  can help retailers and salespeople with marketing campaigns  and promotions,  providing scheduling, traffic analysis, and monitoring customer shopping trends. This technology will help retailers connect with customers in a new way while  occupancy safety systems will help …

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People Counters & Occupancy Systems

Installing a people counter will help owners  adequately staff their sales floor while monitoring customer shopping habits and tracking  peak hours.  The data collected will give retailers and their salespeople an edge over the competition, providing scheduling, traffic analysis, and monitoring customer shopping trends. This technology will help retailers connect with customers in a new …

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People Counts and Occupancy

The people counter technology helps retailers understand and analyze their sales data and customer shopping trends. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many retailers are looking for ways to keep their customers and staff as safe as possible.  Customizable reports are used for scheduling, staffing and in-store  item placement. This technology will help retailers connect with …

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Count On Relevance

People counters help retailers stay relevant with their customer base by monitoring customer habits, marketing and promotions. The reports generated by sales data will help retailers analyze their sales floor and monitor conversion ratios. Customizable reports are used for scheduling, staffing and in-store  item placement. This technology will help retailers connect with customers in a …

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Understand Your People Counts

People counters help retailers accurately count their customer traffic, monitor traffic flow and analyze shopping trends. This technology will allow owners to better understand their conversion ratios and customer shopping habits. People counter technology is helping retailers realize their power within showrooms  and with their sales people. People counters can give retailers customization of reports …

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People Counting & Technology

The technology behind people counters is state of the art and can help salespeople and retailers improve their sales and morale exponentially. This technology provides  scheduling, traffic analysis, and monitoring customer shopping trends. Customizable reports make analyzing sales and showroom floors easier for retailers, having a people counter installed in retail stores   makes it …

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Easier People Counts

People counters are vital to retailer success and   this technology will help retailers  understand and improve  their sales and salespeople.  The data collected will give retailers and their salespeople an edge over the competition, providing scheduling, traffic analysis, and monitoring customer shopping trends. Customizable reports make analyzing sales and showroom floors easier for retailers, …

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Occupancy & Industry

People counters are a vital part of the retail industry they can be used to help owners analyze all their sales data.  This technology will help retail stores create  better salespeople  and analyze trends in  sales data. Installing a people counter will help owners  adequately staff their sales floor while monitoring customer shopping habits and tracking  …

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