Holiday Hybrid

With the holidays coming up and gift-giving on everyone’s mind, the question of how holiday shopping evolved over the last couple of years is also on retailers’ minds. While the percentage of shoppers who prefer to do their shopping online has no doubt increased exponentially, the in-store shopping experience is one that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. According to Deloitte’s 2019 Holiday Survey “In-store experience, however, still plays a major role in the shoppers’ journey. Many consumers still prefer to interact with products in person.”

Which is understandable, because some customers favor the tactile experience.

Though shopping experiences differ in 2019 both the digital and in-store experiences seem to be working well in tandem with each other Deloitte’s survey continues to back up the theory that  “Conversely, more than half of shoppers also plan on doing in-store research, and buying online. This consumer journey of mixing online and in-store research has become commonplace.”  Consumers don’t have to choose between one or the other, it is possible to have both. It seems that in 2019, the digital age and brick and mortar have found a middle ground where everyone can experience the joy of the holidays without all the hassle.

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