How La-Z-Boy San Antonio Became One of Our Most Successful Dealer


Success stories are always inspiring, especially when they showcase the dedication and commitment of a business owner toward continuous improvement. This is the story of La-Z-Boy San Antonio, our most successful furniture dealer in many years, and how their owner, Bobby, leveraged our TraxSales system to achieve remarkable results.

 The Power of Attentive Learning

When we conducted our training session at La-Z-Boy San Antonio, Bobby’s enthusiasm and attentiveness were immediately evident. Unlike many, Bobby was genuinely interested in mastering our system. He asked insightful questions, took detailed notes, and was eager to understand every aspect of how TraxSales could benefit his business.

A Shared Passion for Excellence

Our conversation took an interesting turn when we discovered a mutual admiration for one of my mentors, John F. Lawhon. We discussed his books extensively, and Bobby’s enthusiasm led him to purchase “The Selling Bible” for all his managers and key salespeople. This book, in my opinion, is the best ever written on selling furniture.

Studying Together for Success

Bobby didn’t just buy the book; he made sure his team studied it together. Each week, they delved into the content, tested their knowledge, and ensured everyone was on the same page. This collective effort fostered a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team.

Dedicated Implementation of the Trax System

The real game-changer was Bobby’s hands-on approach in implementing the Trax system. For the first three weeks, he oversaw everything his stores were doing. He ensured that every manager and salesperson became an expert in using the Trax system. This dedication paid off as they meticulously matched every photo with the proper salesperson, resulting in extremely accurate closing ratios.

Leveraging Technology for Effective Follow-Up

La-Z-Boy San Antonio also took full advantage of our texting service. This allowed salespeople to follow up with customers easily without using their personal cell phones. Our system kept an accurate record of all texts, enabling Bobby to monitor follow-ups and ensure timely and appropriate customer interactions.

Utilizing TraxSales Reporting for Enhanced Performance

Bobby’s success didn’t stop at training and follow-up. He expertly used TraxSales’ robust reporting features to continuously monitor and improve store performance. By analyzing detailed reports, Bobby identified peak hours, top-performing salespeople, and areas needing improvement. This data-driven approach allowed him to optimize staff schedules, enhance sales strategies, and address any weaknesses promptly.

For instance, by reviewing traffic and conversion rate reports, Bobby could pinpoint times when additional staff was needed on the floor, ensuring no potential sales were missed. Performance reports helped him recognize and reward top performers while providing targeted coaching to those who needed it. These insights from TraxSales reporting were instrumental in driving continuous improvement and achieving remarkable sales growth.

Bobby’s Unwavering Commitment

What truly sets Bobby apart is his relentless pursuit of excellence. Whenever there was a question or something wasn’t quite understood, Bobby kept digging until he got it right. His commitment to understanding and optimizing every aspect of the Trax system has made a significant impact on his business.


Bobby is one of the best general managers and company owners we’ve ever worked with. His dedication to learning, his commitment to his team, and his relentless pursuit of excellence are truly inspiring. It’s been a pleasure knowing and working with him, and La-Z-Boy San Antonio’s success story is a testament to what can be achieved with the right mindset and tools.

If you’re looking to achieve similar results, take a page from Bobby’s book. Invest in learning, involve your team, leverage the power of reporting, and commit to continuous improvement. The results will speak for themselves.

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