Kravit Jewelers Testimonial

Customer Testimonial: Naheed Nadeem, Sales Manager

Company Name: Kravit Jewelers

Before Using TraxSales

“Our biggest challenge was tracking foot traffic.”

Why We Chose TraxSales

“Spencer was instrumental in our decision. He spent a lot of time explaining and guiding us through the training and installation process.”

How TraxSales Has Helped

“We now have actual metrics and analytics to better manage our sales team.”

Specific Results & Improvements

“Since using TraxSales, we’ve increased our closing ratios.”

Experience with the TraxSales Team

“Spencer has been exceptional throughout the entire process.”

Recommendation for Other Businesses

“TraxSales has provided us with valuable insights into our sales team, foot traffic, conversion ratio, and other key performance indicators. It’s been a game-changer for our business.”

Verified by MonsterInsights