people counter

Maximum occupancy

 Installing a people counter in your store will improve sales and scheduling for your sales floor and  salespeople. Keep customers and salespeople safe during these trying times, with people counting technology, plus an  occupancy safety system because retailers must monitor occupancy to ensure safety of their patrons and employees.  People counters can improve your sales and monitor …

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Analyze your sales!

People counters help owners analyze their sales more closely  and monitor customer activity within a store. Specialized reports are generated with sales data that can also help with staffing, scheduling and  improve sales volume. With this technology, owners can see exactly how many people are in a given store at a time and keep within …

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Smarter showrooms

People counter technology is helping retailers realize their power within showrooms  and with their sales people. People counters can give retailers customization of reports that are easy to analyze. With the reports, owners can monitor their salespeople and conversion ratios. This technology can help with scheduling, monitoring customer traffic, marketing campaigns and promotions.  Retailers can …

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Transformation with people counters

People counters help retailers  understand and improve  their sales and salespeople.  The data collected will give retailers and their salespeople an edge over the competition, providing scheduling, traffic analysis, and monitoring customer shopping trends. Customizable reports make analyzing sales and showroom floors easier for retailers, having a people counter installed in retail stores   makes …

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Analyze your data with people counters

People counting technology can help retailers and salespeople analyze their sales and conversion ratios. Installing a people counter will help owners  adequately staff their sales floor while monitoring customer shopping habits and tracking  peak hours. The opportunity to learn when their stores are the busiest as well as keeping up with customer shopping trends is …

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Understand your people counts

People counting technology will help retailers understand their sales data and improve overall sales volume. The reports generated from people counters help retailers and salespeople analyze vital information like staffing, scheduling and customer shopping trends. Monitoring peak hours and customer shopping habits.  People counting technology will help salespeople understand how to better themselves and their …

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Helping hand with people counters

People counters are vital for retailers because they help salespeople and owners alike determine conversion ratios and improve overall sales.  Investing in people counting technology can help retailers understand their sales and customer trends and shopping habits. The reports that are generated by the sales data help retailers analyze their sales and monitor things like …

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