Track Your Staff & Transform Your Business

We have previously discussed how the RPG Report works overall, now let’s focus on one common issue that the RPG report solves. On almost every sales floor in the retail world, there are underperforming sales staff costing your company thousands in lost revenue. But how do you identify them? How do you know who needs more training or time?

Enter the RPG Analysis by Salesperson.

With this simple report, you can quickly assess each staff member’s number of sales, closing ratio, total dollar amount sold, & more. You can sort by month, quarter, or year so that you are prepared with hard numbers when you are met with resistance to more training or goal-setting initiatives. It doesn’t matter if you own 1 store or 100- with the TraxSALES traffic counter & reports you have all the information you need to nurture & transform your sales staff into a dream team. Collecting, tracking, & analyzing this data yourself could take months- TraxSALES breaks this down for store owners in seconds.

Are you ready to change the way you collect & view data on your customers, staff, & performance? Get started today- call 713-466-7177


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