Letter to NIN

Next Item Needed

Dear Store Managers,
I wanted to discuss Next item Needed options and talk about why next item needed is one of the most powerful tools you could ever employ at your location.
Trax already has great tools to use for following up with unsold customers.  The first Action box in the customer details screen should be used for following up on those unsold customers.  It will give each salesperson the daily to do reminder email along with a master to do list email for you and allow you to keep track of that unsold customer and bring them back in more often.
The next item needed should be reserved for previously sold customers because if you use that tool properly this could more than double your sales.
It’s easy to bring unsold customers back into the store when you use the Action 1 2 or 3 boxes that we provide.  When you use this it will remind you with daily to-do list by email.  After you make the sale that is the only time you should use the next item needed because if you’re using it for unsold customers then you will never be able to capitalize on this wonderful system. I am not kidding, this is designed to more than double your sales if used properly.
Don’t waste this fantastic opportunity to create a tool that will help you bring more customers into your store than you can imagine.  Just imagine how successful your store would be if you had at least two sales people who were too busy to take opportunities from the up board because they had appointments coming in all day long. After just 18 months I believe this is very possible if you set this up properly.

"If you can't track it, then you can't manage it"


Sales@TraxSales.com Support@TraxSales.com

Office: 713-466-7177

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