people counter


Invest in your retail store

Investing in a people counter is an important purchase for retailers it not only improves sales and conversion ratios this technology can also improve customer satisfaction rates. People counting technology will allow retailers to evaluate peak hours, avoid bottlenecks and reduce queue length. Benchmarking is a tool people counters provide that can monitor salespeople and …

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Molding the new generation of retail

Business owners are looking for ways to monitor their foot traffic and keep their customer satisfaction rates up.  Customizable reports allow retailers to understand and analyze their customer and salesperson data. Monitoring  shopping trends and customer habits with traffic counters has never been easier. With a people counter marketing and promotions can be easily tailored …

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Enhance sales performance

People counters are vital for  retailers to monitor customer activity, scheduling and conversion ratios. Customizable reports are generated from sales data  owners and staff  can visualize and analyze overall store data as easily as possible.  People counters can monitor peak hours, foot traffic, conversion ratios, and shopping trends. Investing in a people counter can help …

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Safety is in the numbers

Door counting technology is becoming more and more vital with these new capacity laws that are being put into action for retailers. With a people counter owners can monitor customer activity, make staffing decisions and keep up with capacity regulations by counting the foot traffic coming and going from their stores. The opportunity to learn …

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People counters help salespeople

Investing in a people counter will not only improve sales and conversion ratios it will help salespeople and owners better understand their sales floor. This door counting technology can optimize the sales floor by monitoring customer traffic flow and providing salespeople with accurate sales data which will allow retailers to schedule staff adequately and analyze …

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Be better salespeople

Be better salespeople People counters allow retailers to better understand their sales data and conversion ratios. . Investing in people counters can optimize the sales floor by monitoring customer traffic flow and providing salespeople with accurate sales data which will allow retailers to schedule staff adequately and analyze customer shopping trends. Retailers can count families …

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Know your sales floor

Knowledge can be gained from many sources, one place people don’t even think to look is a sales floor. With a people counter owners will suddenly have knowledge in spades at their disposal of their sales floors. People counters gather the data into customizable reports that are meant to be easily understood by salespeople and …

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Reports and people counts

People counters can  help owners predict customer shopping trends  and the reports generated from people counters allow retailers to better understand their sales data and can improve your marketing and promotions. Keeping up with customer shopping trends is crucial for retailers to understand how to reach their target market. People counters can help store owners  …

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